An IceBlocks Addition..."Levity" 2023

Excited to share my latest piece to join the IceBlocks collection. You can find nineteen twenty-four, aperture, dots and dashes (bike rack) and now levity at this iconic Sacramento location.

CBS Good Day Sacramento covered some of the details with me last month…

La Feuille- Talking Public Art

What a week! A handful of great local stories about my piece, La Feuille, a public sculpture being created for the McKinley Village development in East Sacramento. I'm honored to have the interest and most excited to see art being talked about in general. Let the conversation continue...

Leaf Sculpture picked for Sacramento's McKinley Village, The Sacramento Bee

Our Newest Muse, Inside Publications 

East Sac Artist Awarded McKinley Village, East Sacramento News

 AUDIO INTERVIEW: Local Artist to Create Beautiful 'Leaf', KFBK, Kitty O'Neal


McKinley Village Awarded

Beyond thrilled to be able to publicly announce that my sculpture La Feuille has been chosen for the entrance of the East Sacramento neighborhood development, McKinley Village. This approximately 20 foot tall abstract leaf and branches will be constructed in mirror-polished steel and stretch across roughly 80 feet of greenway. Plans are currently underway for an October 2015 installation. The Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission announcement can be read here. Stay tuned...